The objective of this policy is to ensure that working conditions and practices are established or recommended to achieve a healthy, safe, secure incident free operation, for the protection and physical well-being of our employees and assignees, customers, contractors the general public and the environment. FAHES will achieve this in general by the adoption of the company wide Integrated Management System (IMS) and in particular by means of:
· A healthy, safe and secure working environment.
· Healthy, safe and secure premises with adequate amenities.
· Provision and maintenance of safe plant, machinery, equipment and design standards.
· Safe procedures for the operation of equipment, product and material handling.
· Procedures and equipment designed and operated to minimise the environmental impact of the operations.
· Identification of potential hazards to health, safety, security and the environment in the workplace and the implementation of plans to eliminate or control such hazards.
· Appropriate training and employee instruction.
· A direct line management structure having personal responsibility for the Quality, Health, Environment, security and safety of employees and assignees under its control and accountable at all levels.
· Adequate supervision by competent personnel.
· Provision for specialist advice