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Code of Ethics and Conduct


 At WOQOD Vehicles Inspection (FAHES), our Code of Ethics reflects our way of life.It instills the organizational values that we believe in and is shared among each and every member of the FAHES family. It translates the vision of the founders of the company into an operational and behavioral framework that is beyond compromise.
Simply put, this Code of Ethics and Conduct is the guideline for how we deal with each other and how we treat everyone with whom we interact in our daily business. It ensures that each of us knows and understands what is expected of us to make sure we always act ethically.
FAHES'S code of ethics and conduct are built around six core values that provide the foundation for our decisions. The compliance guidelines that follow will address specific areas of concern; hence it shall be as explicit as possible to ensure that each of us knows and understands what is expected of us and abides by these expectations.
This Code of Ethics will form the corner stones for our commitment and a reference for other policies and procedures that are issued at FAHES.

Core values & Compliance guidelines:
1. Honesty:
Being truthful, accurate and straight forward in our communication and conduct.


  • All activities at FAHES should meet the highest standards of honesty.
  • The employees who are directly involved with customers and clients on behalf of FAHES will observe the highest standards of honesty and integrity in all their dealings.
  • An employee may not serve as a consultant, agent, or staff of an enterprise which conduct or seek to conduct business with FAHES, except with the written consent from the authorized person. Employees should also avoid any individual behavior or relationships that are in conflict with FAHES’s interest.
  • FAHES is committed to safe guard the privacy and confidentiality of all personal and medical information in its possession. Employees on their part must not use copyrighted material (hard or soft copy) without appropriate permission as they are protected by copyright laws.
2. Integrity: Maintaining consistency between our belief and behavior and contending boldly for what is right and rejecting firmly that which is wrong.
  • FAHES will endeavor to work in an open, truthful and responsible manner and will not do anything which is likely to have a negative effect on the company’s reputation.
  • At FAHES employees should take pride in the company and always maintain high standards of morality continuously striving to retain their personal dignity and FAHES’s honor.
  • No personal gifts/money and benefits may be accepted by any member of FAHES which might in any way compromise or influence us in carrying out our duties in an unbiased manner.
  • The E Mail system at FAHES is part of the business environment and should be used for company purposes only. As with all company documents, employees do not have a personal privacy right in any material that is created, received or sent from the company during the course of employment.
3. Fairness and Consideration: Being reasonable, open minded in ideas or opinions of others and impartial in all dealings. Maintaining an attitude of sincerity, tolerance and consideration towards one another.
  • FAHES offers equal opportunities to all its employees based on their abilities and talents and all promotions will be solely on merit, in accordance with Human Resources procedures and policies.
  • FAHES will treat each employee with trust and respect and will value every individual’s human dignity and family responsibility.
4. Pursuit of Excellence: Consistently apply good work habits, attention to details, diligence and perseverance to ensure quality products, employee capability building and excellent customer service.
  • FAHES is committed to consistently deliver quality service to our customers, enhance customer satisfaction and strive to achieve customer delight.
  • Employees are encouraged to enhance their skills and image through continuous self- development.
5. Reliability and Responsibility: Making realistic commitments and following through on commitments made. Accepting responsibility for one’s action and for those you supervise.
  • Employees should make an effort to accomplish their duties to the best of their abilities, incompliance with the vision, mission, goals and policies of the company.
  • It is the responsibility of FAHES to provide accurate and timely information to the shareholder’s, employees and Board of Directors of the company.
  • All employees are responsible for protecting the organization’s asset including information/data and protect it from unauthorized modification, destruction or disclosure whether accidental or intentional.
  • Each employee is responsible for awareness and compliance of this Code of Ethics.
6. Social Liability: Comply with government laws, organizational rules and regulations and show consideration for the safety and welfare of everyone including the natural environment.
  • It is the policy of FAHES to fully comply with all rules/ regulations and applicable laws.
  • FAHES is committed to providing a safe work environment through compliance with the laws that govern occupational health, safety and environment.
  • Drugs and alcohol are prohibited and any employee found to be under its influence or using/selling them inside the company premises or while conducting business is liable to disciplinary action including termination.
  • Workplace violence of a direct or indirect nature will not be tolerated. Any threats or concerns about employee safety or others should be immediately reported to the Superior or Human Resources Department.
  • Violation of the code of ethics by any employee makes them liable for disciplinary/ legal action including termination. If any employee suspects a violation of the Code of Ethics by other employee/s, the former shall report the same to superior or Human Resources Department.


